We are currently sold out
But, a new drop is coming very soon
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- Redesign |
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Seeds of Hope

When you place an redesign order, you help support the 'Seeds of Hope' program. Our donation provides low-income families in Nepal with a bag of kitchen garden seeds, training by an agriculture expert, and a greenhouse tunnel. This eventually makes them self-sufficient in food, and when the harvests are substantial enough, they can begin selling products to others. This is a commitment to invest in local grassroots-level to build more climate-resilient food systems. The program specifically helps empower women to find independence and enables them to provide education for their children.

Our redesign services are currently limited to customers within Norway.
If Åkle doesn't pique your interest, we have more nice quality deadstock arriving soon.
Always free shipping in Norway. Read more about international shipping.
All payments processed on our website are handled with high security.
Send us an email at hei@recouture.no or send us a message